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General Information
Prior to starting any type of job that is considered safety-sensitive by the Department of Transportation, an individual must submit to a drug test. Careers that are considered safety-sensitive include truck drivers, pilots,

ferry and train conductors, and those who plan to work on pipelines. The process is fairly simple; an individual goes to an approved location and gives a urine sample. Although the most common time to do a DOT drug test is prior to employment, employers may request a test at any given time. Other reasons an employer may request a drug test is after an accident, as a follow-up to a previously failed test, if the individual is returning to work, or if the employer finds other reasonable cause to test. The turn-around time for the results will vary depending on the lab; the typical time is 24-72 hours.

Here is a list of drugs the DOT regulated individual will be tested for:

  • Cocaine metabolites
  • Opiates-codeine, heroin, morphine (i.e., hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone)
  • methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
  • Methamphetamines
  • Phencyclidine- also known as PCP
  • Marijuana metabolites and THC

It is wise to advise the employer if you are on any prescribed medication as well as advise the lab technician who will be taking your sample. The prescription must come from a licensed physician and the individual must be taking the proper amount. Excess levels of the medication will result in a failed drug test.